Terry Nicholson is chief success officer and leading HVACR expert at PRAXIS S-10 the fastest growing success college for contractors. Visit praxiss10.com for additional information."
By posting a map on the wall for your call takers who are booking your appointments, they know where the best, most profitable area is located.
Published: 12.01.19
By Terry Nicholson
Make sure your team is trained to provide the best experience when on a service call. Ultimately, that will keep your customers coming back and they’ll tell their family and …
Published: 11.01.19
By Terry Nicholson
There are a lot of reasons why a contractor should personally buy a building and have the business they own pay them rent. A compelling case could also be made, …
Published: 09.01.19
By Terry Nicholson
Eighty-six percent of consumers will decide against buying from you if they read negative reviews about you online.
Published: 05.01.18
By Terry Nicholson
Even though your technicians are performing multiple shows a day (three to four service calls), does that equate to their practice as well? Should you take a lesson from a …
Published: 03.01.18
By Terry Nicholson
Calculate your market share and generate more money in your business.
Published: 02.01.18
By Terry Nicholson
If your choice is to encourage client reviews on Yelp, you’ll see the best results if you also train on when NOT to Yelp.
Published: 02.01.18
By Terry Nicholson