James Leichter is president and CEO of software company Aptora Corp. owner of Mr. HVAC LLC and majority partner at RA Tax and Accounting Inc. James is also a faculty member of EGIA Contractor University. Visit egia.org/university for additional information."
Leadership is one of the most important components of a contracting business, setting the tone and culture of an entire organization from the top down.
Published: 05.01.19
By James Leichter
Familiarize yourself with your financial statements and have a good understanding of your company’s accounting.
Published: 03.01.19
By James Leichter
An operations manual could easily consist of 2000 pages or more. Creating one might seem like an overwhelming task. It’s not as hard as it might seem.
Published: 10.31.18
By James Leichter
By knowing what motivates people, and what stresses them out, you can improve your ability to hire the right person, supervise your staff, and even improve your sales closure rates.
Published: 10.01.18
By James Leichter
Winners tend to want to work with other winners — here’s how to keep them around.
Published: 09.01.18
By James Leichter
Personality assessments can help your company improve hiring, placement, and management. By knowing what motivates people, and what stresses them out, you can improve your ability to hire the right …
Published: 07.01.18
By James Leichter
Raising revenue isn’t so much about selling as it is doing what is best for your customer.
Published: 06.01.18
By James Leichter