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Elevate Your Impact, Inspire Others, And Achieve Lasting Success

Originally published
Originally published: 7/1/2024

As little kids, we dream big, plan big and feel unstoppable. That same excitement dwells in us as we dive into a new business adventure, however, as we spin our wheels, bust our knuckles and get hit from what seems like every angle. We can lose that drive, we can lose that spark, we can lose that excitement. Our future, our team and ultimately, our success will suffer; let's embark on a journey that will provide some insight into building a lasting impact on others and lead to a legacy.

Impacting others is all about connection. Connecting on a level that lifts those around you. Connecting on a level that inspires action, connecting on a level that is deeper, more meaningful and more rewarding than expected. There is a reason in history that the best leaders, most successful business people and most impactful humans on the planet stand apart. They were great at connecting. 

Let's look at three primary keys to creating connections with those around you that will fuel growth and development all around.

Connecting is all about others:

As we start our business journey, we look at everything with our own eyes, from our own viewpoint and our own bias. As we continue to add and develop our team/crew/employees, we must start looking at our behavior and interactions from their point of view. Developing a high-power group requires us to make decisions, adapt values and evolve our behavior to show that we have their best interests in mind. One way to connect with your team is to adapt to a culture of flexibility. The new generation of workers craves a good work/life balance, and this might require us to add time to their schedules for things important to them. If we can guarantee early nights off, time during kids' sports seasons for coaching opportunities, vacations, time with families, time for hobbies or time for just getting away to recharge, then we can develop a culture where when we do have those long days, endless pile of calls or that extra Saturday job, someone might just be willing to voluntarily step up and fill that void. Never forget the law of reciprocity and the old saying, “You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours.” This one slight adaptation can connect your team to you in a way that will reward you in more ways than just financially.

Connecting is more about progress than perfection: 

Have you ever heard the phrase “perfection is the enemy of progress”? Truer words have never been spoken. The great Don Shula once said, “The start is what stops most people.” Connecting with those around you is not a natural behavior for most of us. In fact, when we decide to start changing this, it may be downright uncomfortable for us and for those we serve. We must be willing to commit to and be determined to gain deeper connections while understanding we might just need to address the elephant in the room at the start by simply letting those closest to us understand that connecting is an area of growth and development for you. Once you start and get past that initial uncomfortable stage, more meaningful conversations, interactions and moments will develop. As we connect with those around us, we will start to grow our relationships to a deeper level.  Once this begins, this new ground can be rewarding and very insightful. You will be shocked at the things people will share with those with whom they connect. There are three fundamental questions that you are trying to connect with that really need answering as the relationship develops.

And those are: 

Do you really care for me?
Can I trust you?
And finally, can you help me?

Connecting provides Inspiration:

In John C. Maxwell's book Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, there is a discussion on the inspiration equation. It is a concept that rests on people's natural desire to do more for those they are connected to. This equation is simply “what people know + what people see + what people feel = Inspiration.” This is such a simple equation and yet so complex at the same time. So, let's break this down into each section a little deeper. What do my people need to know from me? They need to know I focus on their success; I understand what their hopes, dreams and desires are and I have high expectations for them. So, after they do know those few things, What do they need to see? They need to see my conviction and that I am committed to the cause we are fighting for. They need to see my example and know that I am authentic, sincere, and honest. A fake inspires no one. And finally, what do they need to feel? They need to feel your confidence! Your confidence in you, your vision in their role in your mutual success. They also need to feel your gratitude. I give gratitude for them joining you on this journey, gratitude for their efforts, and gratitude for being in your life.

Someone once said business is a contact sport, and nothing could be further from the truth. We come in close contact with employees, vendors, suppliers, customers and their lives. As we journey through this life, let's be intentional about the impact we have on those around us. As we look at how connecting with those around us will elevate our impact, there is one final question. Who in your life do you need to communicate with? Let's commit to finding three people who we can connect with. One person needs a better connection, one person needs a stronger connection, and one person needs a deeper connection. When you pour energy and time into these relationships, you can have a positive, meaningful impact on their lives, and in turn, they will help you achieve lasting success.

Aaron Ruddick walked into the trades right out of high school and fell in love with it. With more than 24 years in HVAC, he grew Reliable Comfort to $5M before selling to Heartland Home Services in 2021. Now its general manager, he coaches HVAC contractors with Service Nation and recently acquired Kyko garage doors, aiming to expand it in North Vernon, Indiana. Contact Aaron at or 812-371-2957.

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