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The Startup Transforming Energy Management

Originally published
Originally published: 3/13/2023

Announced at AHR 2023, Ctrl+e is the revolutionary new building intelligence & energy management platform that cuts both costs AND energy waste.

Ctrl+e’s platform can transform any commercial property into a state-of-the-art, energy efficient facility, providing real-time visibility and control over a building’s energy consumption and devices, such as HVAC, water and boiler systems, lighting, and more.

Why is this so critical?

∙       Commercial buildings waste 30%+ of the energy they consume.

∙       Existing energy management systems are too expensive for 90% of US commercial buildings (buildings under 50,000 sq. ft.)

∙       Energy waste is burning a hole through building owners’ pockets and our environment: 450 million metric tons of C02 each year!