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Bell & Gossett, a Xylem Brand, Launches an Updated version of its Glycol Make-up Unit GF60 (GMU

An automated 110V diaphragm pump with digital control

The Bell & Gossett Glycol Make-up Unit GF60 (GMU) is an automated 110V diaphragm pump with digital control. Each engineered package is designed to maintain critical minimum pressure levels to make up for losses that may occur due to leakage. It comes with everything required for easy installation.

The automated system operates as needed to add water or water-glycol solution to a closed loop heating, chilled water, process, snowmelt or radiant heat system.

The versatile unit can handle output pressures from 7.5 to 70 psi and has a self-priming pump.

And unlike a traditional pressure switch, cut-in and cut-out pressure adjustments can be made easily using a digital display.

Digital control enables users to continuously monitor unit performance. In the event of a leak, the system immediately notifies the operator that the fluid level is dropping. The GMU safely shuts off the pump if the storage tank level gets too low, and a pressure relief valve provides protection from excess pressure.

Additional features include:

  • Self-filling system
  • A ½-inch connection with a check valve for easy installation
  • Translucent polyethylene solution container with lid
  • An accumulator tank to prevent excessive pump cycling
  • Air vent valve purges air on initial start-up and allows manual agitation of solution