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Discover How to Energize Your Workforce and Improve Engagement

Originally published
Originally published: 12/1/2015

10 Ways to Take Your Employees Beyond Engagement


Today's employees — even those who may be engaged — are exhausted. Depleted of passion, resilience, verve and excitement, they are devoid of the personal energy that compels them to consistently go above and beyond the call of duty.

To create a sustainable, innovative and high-performing organizational culture, businesses need to focus on both engagement and energy — essentially, moving "beyond engagement" as we know it today.

Brain science provides us with an understanding of how to get there. Here are 10 ways you can change the way you approach engagement — and put energy first.

Manage Energy, Not Engagement

When we're low on energy, we lose our ability to focus, regulate emotions, make decisions and take action. By managing energy instead of engagement, leaders protect employees' executive function.

This can unlock energy that fuels enthusiasm and innovation — generating sustainable engagement.

Deliver Experiences, Not Promises

When elaborate recognition/reward programs and intricate performance management systems don't deliver on leaders' promises, this creates workplace cynicism — leading employees to see employee engagement as a con game.

But by delivering on experiences, leaders can create a happy, productive, frequently energized employee base.

Target Emotion, Not Logic

We live and work in a "Feelings Economy," where feelings — not intellect — drive employee behavior. In fact, research shows that emotional engagement trumps rational engagement by a multiple of four.

Understanding what matters most to employees — and then acting upon that information — is an effective way to show compassion and support.

Trust Conversations, Not Surveys

Annual engagement survey results only provide a small glimpse of a very large picture.

To really understand and energize employees, leaders must shift to frequent, face-to-face, meaningful conversations with employees. Why? Quality conversation releases all kinds of high-performance hormones in our brains.

Seek Tension, Not Harmony

The brain's natural response to tension is to interpret it as a threat. However, we are actually energized by tension. Many opportunities for innovative breakthroughs exist between the current and desired way of doing things.

The trick is for leaders to learn to stand amid that tension — not to avoid it — and effectively manage competing priorities.

Practice Partnering, Not Parenting

The brain perceives "shared responsibility" as a risk. Therefore, leaders may resort to parental-like behaviors — which, consequently, introduces negativity into the workplace.

By shifting to a "partnering" managerial style, leaders and employees can work together to create powerful solutions that both parties are willing to adopt and implement.

Backstory, Not Action Plan

Too often, organizations take engagement survey results at face value and create "one-size-only" action plans. This practically guarantees employee resistance to any engagement initiative.

Leaders who converse frequently with their employees can draw out the backstory behind engagement scores — and co-create conditions that generate meaningful, sustainable energy.

Think Sticks, Not Carrots

Leaders often gravitate to offering "carrots" such as recognition programs, cheerleading and inspiration. They should be "thinking sticks," however — that is, identifying and addressing psychological forms of workplace interference like bullying and conflict.

In doing so, managers can produce environments where employees can be their best selves — able to access their knowledge, experience, skills and strengths at a moment's notice.

Meet Needs, Not Scores

When employees' individual needs go unmet, they may act out in unskillful ways such as forming cliques and gossiping — permeating the organization with interference, which affects people's ability to leverage their executive function.

By focusing on individual needs instead of annual survey scores, leaders can inspire employees and sustain workplace energy.

Challenge Beliefs, Not Emotions

According to brain science, it is not our capability but our belief in our capability that affects how effective we are.

Leaders who engage in meaningful conversation with employees to identify and address negative beliefs (such as self-doubt) can create a much greater sense of urgency in their people.


Brady Wilson is co-founder of Juice Inc., a corporate training company that services organizations from Toronto to Los Angeles. Also a speaker, trainer and author, Brady recently released his latest book, "Beyond Engagement: A Brain-Based Approach That Blends the Engagement Managers Want with the Energy Employees Need." For additional information, visit



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