Great coaches not only consider an athlete’s talent and heart when they’re building a team, but they consider group dynamics, too, says entrepreneur J. Allan McCarthy.
“It’s not just a matter of getting the fastest, strongest, and smartest players on your side,” says McCarthy, a scaling expert and author of Beyond Genius, Innovation & Luck: The ‘Rocket Science’ of Building High-Performance Corporations.
“If you’re building a championship team, you’re gauging how the individual athletes fit together; how their personalities, talents, drive, and abilities will mesh to meet the team’s goals. It’s exactly what you need to do to build a winning corporate team.
As Michael Jordan put it: ‘Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.’ ”
In the 2011 film Moneyball, Coach Billy Beane picks his players based on analysis and evidence, says McCarthy, who has worked with hundreds of companies. He doesn’t ever just “go with his gut.”
McCarthy offers these key points for building a successful, effective team:
“We live in a 21st-century economy where speed and efficiency is a top priority, and that often means a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ mentality,” McCarthy says. “But you get the team that you plan for, not necessarily what you pay for. If time is money, then I’d invest it in creating and building a championship team.”
J. Allan McCarthy, principal of J. A. McCarthy & Affiliates, has more than 20 years of experience across 15 industries and more than 200 companies. He has worked with many international companies, including Cisco Systems, Raychem Corporation, SAP Inc., Redback Networks, BEA Systems and Ericsson.
How do you develop an ongoing hiring strategy?
The right hire can set a new standard for success in your company and guide a path to amazing growth and profitability for the rest of the team.
This article provides some guidelines for attracting and retaining middle managers.
Attracting top talent to join your company requires a strategic plan and commitment to excellence.
Empower employees who will become your future managers, and let them lead your team.