Terry Tanker sat down with Peter Schwartz, the new president of North American Technicians Excellence (NATE) in Bonita Springs, Fla., during the Air-Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute’s annual meeting to discuss N.A.T.E. and how the organization is improving marketing and making it easier for contractors to become certified.
Hiking with my son.
Stop doing what he loves. And, never steal my Halloween candy!
I’m a pretty good cook.
To write a novel.
To implement high-touch personalized service to everyone we serve, and to make NATE an easier organization to do business with.
Achieve ANSI 17024 accreditation, develop and launch Energy Efficiency Analyst certification, and complete Spanish-language translation of our most popular examinations.
The complete reconstruction of our website and the streamlining of the order process for NATE exams.
About 30% of it is, and we want to improve that number.
By continuing to accelerate and drive consumer awareness, industry recognition, and branding. Our new website is part of it, but only one part. We’ve made a great deal of changes in our visuals, our collateral marketing materials, our electronic marketing, attendance of industry events, and other things.
One challenge has been to create programs to help contractors advertise and promote the value-added certification for their HVACR technicians.
We’re currently designing and developing new collateral pieces and making use of the NATE logo more accessible. We’re also going to be launching an e-newsletter for contractors that will give them ideas on how to promote their NATE certification to their customers.
NATE certification separates contractors from the pack. It benchmarks and validates a competency level, something that can be a challenge for consumers and contractors. NATE certification provides a comfort zone for consumers and — as our research has shown — significantly lowers warranty costs and callbacks.
The biggest reason is because we need to do a better job of marketing NATE to consumers so that consumer demand will increase. Our focus will continue to be on the contractor, but we are finally also focusing on the consumer.
We have spent a significant amount of time meeting with manufacturers, with other associations, and with government agencies in a coordinated effort to raise our profile, leverage resources, and work toward recognition of NATE as a key component in the energy-efficiency and sustainability equation. We are very, very aggressively engaged in the sustainability and energy-efficiency arena.
It’s very difficult to measure the success of that type of media. But we have received reports from a number of metropolitan areas about people calling contractors who say that they heard the spots on the radio. We consider it very successful.
We’re going to repeat and expand the radio campaign next year by piggybacking our message into ads by six major manufacturers in our industry. This is a good example of leveraging resources to create more bang for the buck and getting out our message to a much greater number of consumers.
We are working to shorten lead times with a print-on-demand feature. The maximum lead time to order and print NATE examinations will be 72 hours versus the current two weeks. Additionally, we’re looking to negotiate with a third-party proctoring company that would expand the number of locations where a technician could take our test. I’m working with three companies now that have examination facilities throughout the United States. One of them has 546 locations. The convenience factor will likely help our re-certifications as well.
We want to increase the ratio of electronic versus print tests each year.
It depends. I believe that re-certification is an ongoing challenge regardless of how successful our metrics say we are. So I’ve launched a campaign where we are reaching out and touching technicians about their certification a certain number of times a year.
We are sending a report card to technicians after the third year of certification, giving them a report of where they stand in the re-certification process, and encouraging them to re-certify with 60 hours worth of continuing education or to re-take the test — at the same time emphasizing the importance of certification. Managing this process and working internally with the various training organizations will make it a lot easier for our technicians to maintain their certification.
We’re also going to better prepare them for re-sitting for specialty exams by providing specialty tools to inform them of things like changes in technology that they will encounter on the exam.
I want to exercise more, eat fewer fatty foods, and work my tail off for NATE.
It’s a time for change that can signal an opportunity for the future.
The details that make branding work. Think of branding as long-term success.
Publisher Terry Tanker spoke with Jeff Underwood, President of RectorSeal. The two discussed living in Texas, family, selecting a management team and introducing new products.
Micromanagement is a prevalent issue in many workplaces, yet few are willing to openly address it.
They discussed how to introduce students, educators and parents to the plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical trades. And how contractors, distributors and manufacturers can support the effort.