Depressions, recessions or simply weak economies weed out weak and unfit business managers. And if there has ever been a time when weakness in management skills shows up, this continuing recession and its impact on hvacr contracting is it. Over the last year, I've read hundreds of articles on the topic, and all of them reference one of three reasons for business failures: weak leadership, lack of planning, or poor execution.
Ironically, these maladies are treatable, but for those who won't learn how to lead or won't take the time to review the fundamentals of good business planning and apply them — natural selection will take its course.
In business, as in sports, music, and hundreds of other skill sets, there are naturals — those born with the talent and skills necessary to perform at the highest levels. This certainly is true of leadership. A few of us have it; the rest of us have to learn and practice the difficult skills of managing a business, whether large or small.
Some of the attributes of great leaders at great companies is excellence at communicating their organizational vision, motivating employees to want to fulfill and participate in that vision, and speaking to employees as a group.
Where's your game plan? If your business plan is more than 12 months old, you're really gambling with your company's future. Without a clear strategy and plan that can be communicated to all of your employees, they are left to guess what needs to be done and in what sequence. Keep it simple and short. And above all, share it with every employee.
Companies win or lose because of good execution or the lack of it. To execute well, your company strategy must be clear, simple, and grounded in economic reality so it supports and drives all actions and initiatives. In addition to this document, employees need to understand the company's plan. If employees have a full understanding of what's expected of them and how it helps to achieve the plan, they will be more motivated, creative, and innovative in finding ways to succeed. All too often, employees do not see how their work and actions relate to the company's success. Make sure you can show them how they fit it and track their performance. Tracking enables you and your employees to make necessary adjustments to improve.
In business, the natural selection process isn't much different than in nature. The strong use necessary leadership skills to do whatever is necessary to survive during the draught. When the economy turns, they will be poised for profit growth.
It’s a time for change that can signal an opportunity for the future.
The details that make branding work. Think of branding as long-term success.
Publisher Terry Tanker spoke with Jeff Underwood, President of RectorSeal. The two discussed living in Texas, family, selecting a management team and introducing new products.
Micromanagement is a prevalent issue in many workplaces, yet few are willing to openly address it.
They discussed how to introduce students, educators and parents to the plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical trades. And how contractors, distributors and manufacturers can support the effort.